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Entdecken Sie die neuesten Erkenntnisse in unseren Artikeln über Datenzentrierte KI, in denen die Bedeutung von Qualitätsdaten in KI-Modellen betont wird. Erfahren Sie mehr über innovative Use Cases für industrielle KI, einschließlich Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG).

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Informieren Sie sich ĂĽber unsere Arbeit und die neuesten Nachrichten auf dem Gebiet der datenzentrierten KI, der industriellen KI, der LLMs und mehr.
audio classificationmachine learningASTfine-tuning
How To Fine-Tune The Audio Spectrogram Transformer On Your Own Data
AI assistants can help test engineers to save valuable time. These 5 use cases illustrate how.
Marius Steger
30. Juli 2024
14 min read
automotivetestingdata analyticsAI assistantsmachine learning
Top 15 data analysis tools for test engineers in 2024
There is a myriad of testing data analysis tools out there. Here are 15 tools you should know.
Stefan Suwelack
24. Juli 2024
7 min read
automotivetestingAI assistantsmachine learning
KI fĂĽr Testdaten in der Automobilindustrie
UnĂĽberwachte Lernmethoden fĂĽr Vorverarbeitung und Evaluation von Testdaten: Ein Beispiel mit Dimensionsreduktionsverfahren und Formel-1-Telemetriedaten
Markus, Alexander, Stefan
18. Juni 2024
6 min read
automotivetestingAI assistantsmachine learning
Top 5 Use Cases for AI in Automotive Testing Data Analysis
AI assistants can help test engineers to save valuable time. These 5 use cases illustrate how.
Stefan Suwelack, Markus Stoll
7. Mai 2024
8 min read
How to build RAG-based assistants for industrial applications
Retrieval augmented generation (RAG) can augment the knowledge of machine operators, allow for deeper insights into customer needs and enhance the collaboration of engineering teams. It has has emerged as the de-facto standard for building such applications-specific assistants.
Stefan Suwelack
19. Dezember 2023
7 min read
Interactive Visualization for Hugging Face Datasets
Hugging Face is the Github for AI. The platform helps you do discover new models and datasets. Now you can interactively inspect your Hugging Face datasets with just one line of code.
Stefan Suwelack
5. Dezember 2023
3 min read
Join us for Hacktoberfest 2023
We’re thrilled to announce that Renumics Spotlight is joining the Hacktoberfest 2023. Every accepted Hacktoberfest PR not only elevates your skills and contributions to the open-source community but also earns you a limited-edition Renumics T-Shirt!
Markus Stoll
19. Oktober 2023
3 min read
voice analyticsaudio mldata-centric ai
Hands-On Voice Analytics with Transformers
Voice analytics helps to build more sympathetic and more robust ML-based assistants. We show how to leverage open source tooling to effectively use pre-trained transformer models for this use case.
Stefan Suwelack
25. September 2023
9 min read
interactivedata visualizationdata explorationwine dataset
Interactive Data Insights Made Simple: Visualize with Just One Line of Code
Explore interactive data visualization with Spotlight. Dive into the wine dataset and uncover insights with our Open Source Tool.
Marius Steger
28. August 2023
7 min read
data-centric aidata slicingcomputer vision
Finding data slices in unstructured data
Data slices are semantically meaningful subsets of the data, where the model performs anomalously. We discuss current challenges and demonstrate hands-on examples of opens source tooling.
Stefan Suwelack
12. August 2023
9 min read