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🎉 We released Spotlight 1.6.0 check it out →

Version: 1.0.0


This module allows user customize layout to start Spotlight from a python script/notebook.

A Spotlight layout consists of multiple widgets, grouped into tabs and splits.


layout(*nodes, orientation=None)​

Create a new layout with the given orientation and given nodes inside.

split(*nodes, weight=1, orientation=None)​

Create a new split with the given weight, orientation and given nodes inside.

tab(*widgets, weight=1)​

Create a new tab with the given weight and given widgets inside.


Parse layout from a file, layout or given nodes.

audio_overview(name=None, audio_column=None, window_column=None)​

Add configured audio overview to Spotlight layout.

histogram(name=None, column=None, stack_by_column=None, filter=False)​

Add configured histogram to Spotlight layout.

inspector(name=None, num_columns=4)​

Add (unconfigured) inspector widget to Spotlight layout.

scatterplot(name=None, x_column=None, y_column=None, color_by_column=None, size_by_column=None, filter=False, use_gl=False)​

Add configured scatter plot to Spotlight layout.

similaritymap(name=None, columns=None, reduction_method=None, color_by_column=None, size_by_column=None, filter=False, *, umap_metric=None, umap_balance=None, pca_normalization=None)​

Add configured similarity map to Spotlight layout.

table(name=None, active_view='all', visible_columns=None, sort_by_columns=None, order_by_relevance=False)​

Add configured table to Spotlight layout.